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Comments (3)

  1. Pamela Akasha Kaur

    Namaste I would love to join your retreats/events. Please keep me posted on your upcoming journey for women.

    Would your program be in English?

    Love and Light
    Pamela Akasha Kaur

  2. Femke

    Anna took us into the world of Subtile Energies while tasting Crystal Essences and doing Meditations to experience the effects of the Magic drops.
    I felt Blessed by Happening and embraced by Surrounding. Quiet Sweet and Sacred
    Afterwards I took the Experience with me into the World and Joined my Innerrest and Rich Refinement of Life.

  3. Charlotte

    Joining a chrystal essences gathering was a warm, welcoming and subtle experience. Anna Leona (Tulip) called it speeddating with chrystal essences and that is a good description. On how you will feel during and afterwards is harder to put into words, because you really have to feel for yourself. We all know chrystals have powers, to try it in a liquid form is adversary, mindblowing and magical. Personnally, my head has difficulties accepting it, but if I am honest about what I felt then I cannot ignore the shift of vibrations. As a total event it is wonderful, powerful and loving. The energy is kind and subtle. And Anna Leona (Tulip) is both gentle and great. For me it was an uplifting experience in every way.