The Perfect One. » The Perfect One Book

The Perfect One Book

The Perfect One BookHomeLiterature: The Perfect One Book

Author: Oleg Cherne
ISBN 978-5-98687-011-3

The Perfect One book represents 25 years’ experience and the observations of Oleg Cherne in the field of women’s development.

The book describes a story, a life path of a woman who could not fit into her surrounding space. She went through emotional problems, lack of money, broken relationshipS with her family, unsuccessful love affair… She refuses to see this world, but in reality, she is absorbed by it even more.

The book raises questions about important topics in the life of every woman. Questions about health, the birth and upbringing of the child, nutrition, love, relationships with men and, what is the most essential- the search for the feminine nature, its core, the Inner Light, are highlighted. While reading, you will encounter real stories and situations occurred with the heroine of The Perfect One during 25 years.

The book is available in Russian and Spanish languages, and currently is being prepared for publication in English.


Important notice:

The Perfect One book was written with a certain intent and for optimal results while reading there are few recommendations:

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